Saturday, January 5, 2013

Painting - non-representational

I truly love that as part of our class in learning how to teach students to experience art, we are experiencing art ourselves.

It was great to grab a brush and explore my creative side. When we began, I knew I wanted to use primarily blue in my painting as that’s my favorite color. And since my upcoming wedding is a big thing on my mind at the moment, I decided I would take the opportunity to paint a representation of my wedding bouquet, as I see it.

I’m glad that we were given all of the colors to work with. Mixing blue with white and black paint on my tray allowed me to achieve the aesthetics I was striving for in my painting. It made me think of what I read in Naomi Pile’s “Art Experiences for Young Children” and what Edith mentioned in class that sometimes teachers don’t provide students with all of the colors to work with. I found that astonishing and very disheartening. Had I not had all of the colors to work with that I did, I wouldn’t have been able to paint what I really wanted to and would have had to compromise my vision.

And that’s when I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I can’t imagine not even allowing students the opportunity to explore and experiment with the different colors to see what they could come up with.

I’m so glad and grateful that we are able to experience and put into practice all of the theories we are reading about. It really makes it feel much more real and helps me to better understand the mindset my students may be in when they’re working with art.

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