Saturday, January 5, 2013


It felt really comfortable to draw in class. It was a medium I was so used to. But at the same time, I really appreciated the opportunity to experiment with the various drawing utensils we were presented with in class. I never knew there were so many tools you could draw with.

Though I ended up using the graphite because it felt most comfortable for me (probably because it was the most familiar) I found it really fun to draw with things like ink, a quill and charcoal. I can see, though, how kids can pigeonhole themselves into drawing and not explore any other means of artistic creation — yet another reason why art is so important in the classroom and why it’s critical for us as teachers to introduce and expose kids to various mediums and modes of art.

I also really enjoyed drawing human figures with the use of the ovals to denote parts of the body and joints. I think that approach produces more realistic bodies and alleviates some kids’ concerns with making bodies look “real” when they hit the point where that’s what they’re focused on. In terms of incorporating art with curriculum, that could also lend itself to a lesson on bodies and how they’re put together.

I really appreciate how we are able to explore different mediums and tools for artistic expression in class and I plan to incorporate that same practice in my classroom. 

1 comment:

  1. Keep in mind the mannikin and the figure drawing exercise we do with 10 year olds and not younger children.
